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Hotel Ocean Breeze in Ojochal Costa Rica is a fantastic place to experience the amazing diversity of birds that inhabit this part of the world. From the moment you arrive, you will be greeted by a cacophony of bird songs, from tiny hummingbirds to majestic toucans. Here are just a few of the many birds you can expect to see during your stay at Hotel Ocean Breeze.

Scarlet Macaw

These stunningly beautiful birds are impossible to miss with their bright red, blue, and yellow feathers. You will likely see them flying overhead or perched in nearby trees. They are a common sight in Ojochal, and Hotel Ocean Breeze is no exception.

Chestnut-mandibled Toucan

These large, colorful birds are easily recognizable by their huge, curved beaks. You may hear their distinctive calls before you see them, but they are a common sight at Hotel Ocean Breeze, especially in the early morning.

Blue-crowned Motmot

The Blue-crowned Motmot is a striking bird with a distinctive, racket-shaped tail. They are often seen perched on branches, scanning the ground for prey.

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

These tiny birds are a blur of iridescent green and orange as they flit from flower to flower. They are a common sight at Hotel Ocean Breeze, especially around the flowering trees and plants in the garden.

Black-throated Trogon

The Black-throated Trogon is a stunning bird with a metallic green back, bright red belly, and black throat. They are often seen perched high up in the trees, making them a bit harder to spot than some of the other birds on this list.

Orange-chinned Parakeet

These small parrots are known for their bright orange chins and green feathers. You may hear their loud calls before you see them, but they are a common sight in the trees around Hotel Ocean Breeze.

White-necked Jacobin

This hummingbird is one of the largest in the area, with a distinctive white neck and a metallic green body. They are often seen hovering around the flowering trees in the garden.

These are just a few of the many bird species that you can expect to see during your stay now at Hotel Ocean Breeze in Ojochal Costa Rica. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or simply appreciate the beauty of these magnificent creatures, a visit to Hotel Ocean Breeze is sure to be a memorable experience.